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Presription Request Leaflet

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You will be aware that the two main causes of diabetic foot ulcers are excessive peak forefoot pressure (often due to diabetic neuropathy) combined with reduced tissue perfusion.

This is where Liqua Care comes into its own – it is the only product in the world with peer reviewed, published clinical trial evidence proving that not only is it as good as anything around at reducing peak pressures, but it also produced a “clinically significant” increase in TcpO2 levels – after just ten days use.

The clinical paper was published in the British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease. The full version of this paper is available to download at the bottom of this page.

The product works by virtue of a liquid gel filling in anatomically aligned channels that moves with the body’s movement stimulating the venous pump return.

Interestingly, Liqua Care was not designed specifically for those with diabetes, rather to alleviate the discomforts commonly linked to prolonged periods of standing. It was realised however that the benefits were of huge significance to those with diabetes and this prompted the clinical trials

Liqua Care are thin at just a few millimetres so will fit in normal footwear.

Patients that had been using Liqua Care were surveyed after at least six months’ use and reported a consistently high level of improvement of several symptoms, particularly cold feet, pain or discomfort on walking any distance, general discomfort and unexpectedly, diabetic neuropathy.

Patient advice by NHS Lanarkshire.

Clinical results published in the British
Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease.

Diabetic foot ulcers: Prevention is in your hands.
Practice Nursing 2015, Vol 26, No 12

New ulcer ‘preventing’ device available on NHS

Start Making Prevention Pay

Make Prevention Pay

How They Work

On Prescription




NEW Clinical Article.
Liqua Care in The Diabet Foot Journal.


Copyright © 2025, Autono-Med Ltd. Order by Phone: 0870 041 0150.