Do not be a victim of a Diabetic Foot Ulcer!
The bad news: -
- Currently there are nearly 4 million sufferers from diabetes in the UK.
- 10-15% of those sufferers will develop a diabetic foot ulcer.
- Nearly HALF of those with an ulcer will not survive more than 5 Years.
- At present over 80,000 people in the UK have a diabetic foot ulcer.
- A foot ulcer can appear healed but it's really only remission.
- Over 130 amputations take place EVERY WEEK in the UK, most preceded by an ulcer.
- Half of the above will survive less than 2 years - the average being less than 5 years.
- Nearly half of those with a foot ulcer are clinically depressed.
The Good News: -
- You do not need to be included in the above statistics.
- Liqua Care is the first ever prophylactic device accepted by the NHS for prescription issue.
- Liqua Care was accepted for prescription based on hard, clinical facts.
- Clinical trials have proved beyond doubt that Liqua Care do prevent foot ulcers.
- Liqua Care is available on prescription NOW. Contact your District Nurse, Podiatrist or Doctor.
Liqua Care Insoles
Now available Free on presecription
to NHS registered diabetes sufferers.